Forest Ridge Academy Home

The Best of FRA!

Who we are...

Forest Ridge Academy is an ISACS accredited independent school in Schererville, Indiana. Our preschool through eighth grade school strives to inspire a passion for learning, global awareness and leadership, and instill strong values through a challenging curriculum and service to humanity.

News & Announcements

School Statistics

  • 51%
    Student Diversity
  • $58,000
    Received in high school
  • 40+
    Over 40 charities have been
    supported through service
  • 2016
    became International Peace
  • 2017
    EPA Energy Star School
  • 2014
    began participating in Hour
  • 1:1
    Hugs to Homework
  • 2016
    Google Certified School
  • 12:1
    Average Student to
    Classroom Ratio

Mission Statement

The mission of Forest Ridge Academy is to inspire a passion for learning, global awareness and leadership, and strong values through a challenging curriculum and service to humanity.